news & updates

We are committed to keeping you up to date with all the latest industry information and regulations as well as thoughts and opinions that might be shaping the world of international trade.

Customs & industry information

Staying on top of all the latest customs information and planning around disruptions to communications with CHIEF and community systems (CSPs) is vital.

We typically publish CIPs (Customs Information Papers) up to 10 days before they appear on the HMRC website and we are in constant contact with customs and CSPs so we get advanced notification of any planned systems downtime and up to date information about any unplanned disruptions which we monitor closely on your behalf.

Comments and articles

Sometimes it’s nice just to give you an idea of what we’re thinking or what we're hearing.

Whether it’s an opinion piece from our chairman, who is heavily involved in discussions with customs and industry leaders, or other thought provoking articles from anyone and about anything that we think you might be interested in.

ASM on Twitter

We realise that you are busy and you can’t be checking our website every 5 minutes just in case something interesting or important has happened.

That’s why as well as posting important information on our website we tweet to let you know there’s something there that could affect you.

Follow @asmukltd for the very latest, up to date information and alerts.

• support: (t) 01784 240400 (e)
• sales: (t) 01784 242200 (e)