CDS Exports Migration Update – 18th April 2024

HMRC announced that export declarations for goods being moved through ALL inventory linked locations can be submitted through CDS from Monday 4th March.

This functionality is available in the latest version of Sequoia.

We would strongly recommend that you begin your migration to CDS of your inventory linked declarations as soon as possible.

There is important information regarding declaration guidance and workarounds on the ASM Resource Centre.

All export declarations must be made to CDS by 4th June 2024, and it is in your interest to make sure you iron out any issues well ahead of this date. Any access to CHIEF after this date will be strictly controlled by HMRC and only available in very specific circumstances for a limited period.

The full announcement, together with details of the exceptions requirements, is available from the link below.

/media/96388/160424-exceptions-email-final-v30.pdf See Attached Document